Workshop Report
In this session the facilitator/s and participants will be introduced to each other.
This session will start with the introduction of organization and its team and then participants will be asked to introduce themselves.
Expectations of participants:
Objective of this exercise: the objective of this exercise is to understand the expectations that participants are holding while coming to the workshop i.e. what they may be learning from this workshop and what will be some of the takeaways?
What is Para counselling?
Objective of the exercise: to understand the community’s perspectives on Para counselling and most importantly to understand the caregivers and/or outreach teams definition of Para counselling.
Essentials of Para counselling
Objective of the exercises: Following are some of the objectives of these exercises
• To correct some very important but frequently ignored essentials of Para counseling
• To take the participants through a reflective and experiential session of each of the skills separately
• To have the participants understand the negative impact on a Para counseling session of ignoring the essentials of Para counseling
• To develop a comprehensive understanding of the fact that Para counseling is made up of different skills
Puppet act (making fun of other puppet’s disease)
Objective of the exercise: this exercise is linked with the preceding exercises and is focused on discouraging gossip, callousness and non-serious attitudes towards sickness and disease.
Myths and realities
Objective of the exercise: the following exercises are designed to explore all possible myths linked to disease or infection. In addition to this, the exercises further examine nutritional patterns that are mythically connected to different disease or infections e.g. not to eat certain vegetables and meats during random diseases or infections. The exercises are also meant to have the participants realize the entire process of internalization of fears that may not have any substantial base rather grounded into myths and superstitions
Fear and fear of unknown
Objective of the exercise: The objectives of this exercise are as follows
• To understand how community defines stigma
• To understand if the community has a way of negotiating with stigmatization
• To explain the impact of stigma on lives of people
• To explain the linkages between stigma, marginalization and isolation
Stigma and disease
Objective of the exercise: Since the research points to the fact that some infections and disease are heavily stigmatized by mainstream as well as populations existing on the margins. This exercise is an effort to mitigate the stigma linked to the infection/disease
How gossip becomes barrier in seeking remedies for health related issues
Objective of the exercise: This exercise explores the problems that gossip or passing on incorrect information, creates for an individual in order to seek remedies for health related problems
Venting out anger
Objective of the exercise: the exercise explores the sentiment of anger and means to constructively deal with the same
Objective of the exercise: the objective of this exercise is to create a sense of entitlement in the trans-women population and also to give the participants some respite from the monotony of the workshop. In addition to this, the exercise is also a starting point for participants to get ready for putting together a theatre themselves.
Preparation and the theatre by participants (positive start and positive ending)
Objective of the exercise: This activity is the final activity of the day. The theatre exercise should reflect the sense of connectivity that participants may have develop in the two days’ workshop i.e. the story that they weave for the final theatre performance should have some element from each exercise, without losing the cohesion of the story. This exercise should also be viewed as the final reinforcer/ revision of the entire two days of the workshop.